Terminal Reality, the US independent developer responsible for Ghostbusters: The Video Game, has said its Infernal Engine is scalable to handle the next generation of home consoles.

The company began licensing out the technology earlier this year, and plans to partners with as many as a dozen licensees by the year end.

"The Infernal Engine scales across multiple CPUs and SPUs really well and it's built from the ground up to do that, and we feel that future-proofs us because it's likely the PS4 and the Xbox 720 is going to include more and more CPUs," said VP of marketing Joe Kreiner in an exclusive interview published today.

"In fact that was a core part of why we designed the engine the way we did. I wish the next console transition would happen really quickly because I think it would give us a huge advantage, but we'll probably have to wait a while and see," he added.

Undaunted by the amount of middleware, tools and engine competition in the market, Kreiner believes the Infernal Engine stands out from rival tech due as it can be utilised on all home consoles, from the Wii to the PlayStation 3.

"The way we look at it at Terminal Reality is that we've got a lot of advantages over a lot of new entries. We've been in business for 15 years and we have a really wide swathe of expertise that we've built up on multiple genres and that's really helped the engine with the toolset.

"And our tech was built from the ground up to support consoles really well, whereas a lot of existing technology is not. The other main point is that we provide a complete solution that includes pretty much everything you would need to ship a title, it's fully integrated, it makes it easy," he said.

Having already secured partnerships with multiple game studios, including Streamline Studios, Piranha and Wideload, Kreiner is confident the company can secure more licensees this year.

"I would say the interest level is dramatic, there's a real desire for an alternative in the middleware business right now.

"We intend to be very aggressive. My goal would be to see at least another half a dozen to a dozen within the next year, at minimum, and I think we're on track for that."
