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Thread: Tantric Banned from Tehskeen for Not Posting His Projects Exclusively on There

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Tantric Banned from Tehskeen for Not Posting His Projects Exclusively on There

    I try not to visit tehskeen (nor link to a site with open hostililities to me) anymore, it was a a great website back in the gamecube scene days and i supported the webmasters actions over sites like maxconsole and ps3 news or what ever incarnation it was then, but recently attacks on me, marcan and whoever else and then the newspost the other week saying that he doesnt want drama on the site and the suicide newspost which really should be kept off any news site.

    But today i was pointed to a thread where Tantric one of todays great coders for the Gamecube and Wii has been banned from tehskeen for not exclusivly releasing his emulators there. From what i can gather and this goes back to the gamecube days where brakken and others basically forced users to compile releases than release them publically, which was rather miserable.

    Anyway heres the forum post and you can make your own assumptions:

    Tantric has been banned from Tehskeen for denying Brakkens demands to "distrubute the emulators on TehSkeen where they belong". Read the email below for the full details.

    This seems like a very interesting turn of events. Honestly I would have never seen anything like this coming. Talk about scene drama! I have to agree with Tantric's choice - the emulators do not belong to tekskeen. They are open source, and should be kept that way - from open contribution to distribution. Secondly, I really don't see brakken's beef? I'm not really sure what the issue is. It seems he is trying to use the emulators as a website promotion technique, with complete disregard for the developers, the open source license, and the users. None of the aforementioned parties are tehskeen, and they are THE main stakeholders in terms of these emulators.

    The fact that the emulators are released simultaneously in many channels seems to be brakken's issue here. I wouldn't worry too much about it brakken, especially since the emulators now have an auto-update feature which means nobody but new users might download this from any other source. Moreover, new users would probably use homebrew browser anyway.

    Time to be frank. It is not fair that brakken has banned tantric from tehskeen. Tehskeen is the only website of its type that the emulators are officially 'released' to anyway. Wiibrew doesn't count as it is a public wiki. Tehskeen is the primary benefactor of this arrangement, getting thousands of hits with users going there almost solely for support, and in turn looking to other parts of the site. Again, I have no clue what brakken is thinking doing this as one of the main reasons people go to the site is to discuss these emulators, expecting responses from their developers. If brakken wants a tehskeen logo on the main menu he should make his own version to distribute. Brakken: you're getting enough benefit from the arrangement as is. Why don't you just go ahead and ban eke-eke and whoever else won't exclusively distribute on tehskeen as well? Think this over carefully - it doesn't make much sense at all.

    Basically what I'm looking for is for you (Brakken) to un-ban tantric and return things to the way they were before, which was perfectly fine in my opinion, and probably those of most of your users. I am curious to hear what all of you skeeners think. Also, I do not mean to offend, but it's hard to keep a straight tone with what is in my opinion a rediculous expectation and actions.

    Here is the email Brakken sent Tantric, which I have posted with his approval:

    I have given this much thought and I need to speak my mind. The emulators you've been working on where originally SkeenDev projects. When I asked you if the new GUI would include TehSkeen's URL you said yes - this didn't happen. When I see you talk on IRC in #wiidev you say TehSkeen doesn't contribute to the emulators. Maybe this is so regarding coding, but TehSkeen's users always comment on your releases. I am greatly offended by your lack of support for TehSkeen. It seems you have chosen the side of the #wiidev community who are for the most part anti-tehkseen.
    I don't care about hits. You release an emulator here and the threads get around 2,000 unique hits. I don't care. What I care about is respect. You said you'd include TehSkeen's URL in the emulators, but it seems you want to keep the site out of it.
    You said on IRC that no one contributes, but we do! I support your releases, tehskeen members give you feedback. The original authors all decided to release the emulators on TehSkeen.
    You, however, have setup a SVN. I agree it's a better way to handle projects, but then the respect issue comes into play. You could just as easily release the binaries exclusivly on TehSkeen and keep the source code seperate.
    There are many sites that are loving the fact you release the binary on Goggle. They are curroupt and won't link to TehSkeen due to this fact.
    What am I suggesting? You remove the binary releases from Google. You can release them here. I can set you up an FTP or give you access to the downloads database - neither of which would require users to register to download. I suggest you add TehSkeen's URL to your emulators (as promised).
    This two way street game you're playing benefits the assholes in #wiidev and the assholes who don't link to sources.
    If you decide this is not the way you want to go then don't waste your time uploading your emulators TehSkeen. It only makes me look like a jackass posting "Release Thread" - when I'm sloppy seconds.
    I'll still post news about your emulators, but I won't support you. I wrote the readme for one to help out. I created a video to help out. Before you came along I did a lot more to help out. TehSkeen members help out too. Like I said, it's a slap in the face to see you trying to provide Wiibrew and TehSkeen. I feel used and betrayed. I would assume the original authors who supported TehSkeen would feel the same way.
    So - either lets come up with some way to distrubute the emulators on TehSkeen where they belong or cut all ends. I don't need the traffic. I'm pretty close to closing the entire site over the way you're handling the emulators and and I can't deal with you trying to please the haters and the supporters.
    Kind Regards,
    John Bull (brakken)

    The homebrew community isnt down to one site or network and we should personally embrace coders that spend their time giving us these great gifts, im sure many webmasters would love to make their forums the base of any discussion for their emulators.

    If any wii coders would wish hosting then ill gladly arrange a site and forums and also take down the need for registration for downloads (obviously ill use some way to stop people hotlinking)

    Post your thoughts on this sad banning of one of the Wii and Gamecube Scenes Nice Guys Tantric.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular djdynamite123's Avatar
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    and the point in this is ?

  3. #3


    wow, what a $#@!...

  4. #4
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Brakken is an ARSE, Tantric can do better elsewhere posting his releases from the looks of that.

  5. #5
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Some of what Brakken is implying is targeted at all those sites who link to the Googlecode project instead of tehskeen, but that is the home of the project and quite rightly people will link to it.

    Brakken has alienated a lot of people by his drama antics and his public bashing of people and sites, he basically wants to force coders to release only at tehskeen, which is ridiculous, coders release where they want to and if they post their releases at several places you are quite right to link to which one you want.

    At the end of the day this could make coders not want to release any more emulators and then we all suffer because of one person and his bullying.

  6. #6
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    and i see brakken is saying i posted as bob saget and posted disgusting images on his forum, i did post in the thread using a username from bugmenot, if the silly $#@! checked my ip he would know 100% its not me, the kid is a pure idiot, from now on tehskeen will not be linked to, not only for his lies but for his bullying of sites and coders.

    Heres the bugmenot i used

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie hitman43's Avatar
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    It looks like the whole homebrewcommunity is ruled by girls & dramaqueens, this includes this site because you post this bull$#@! which of course has nothing to do with cracking/hacking/brewing a console.

    Why your are not giving a **** to such stupid problems which of course arent your problems?

    Also i will think it is time for an WE GIVE A BIG **** TO CODE.GOOGLE and GPL bull$#@!.

    Every sucker****er who can code a little bit is going crazy in the wii scene. (look at the 360 scene, iXtreme was announced, iXtreme comes and Booooooom - nothing more to say).
    The crappiest $#@! includedes a ****ed up licence.
    The crappiest $#@!ty coder think that he is a big number because he release a little app (i mean it global and this has nothing to do with the Tantric/Brakk3n problems which of course they and not we have).

    I think a lot of people forget who they are and that we do.

    Attack consoles not sites which has the same content as you have.

    Lets create one Underground Community and dont let us eliminate ourself, let eliminate all protections in a videogameconsole to give the whole world informations for controlling a system.

    This is of course one thing i understand when i think about homebrewing/hacking a gameconsole.
    It isn´t easy, but it is possible when people talk directly with each other.

    This post of course is nonsens and i´m pretty sure wraggster (i respect your work and your site) know´s this but he do this, because i has some trouble with brakk3n in the past.
    I understand this, but it is nothing more when a childish move and I know that you know this also.
    I think it was better when you talk together like Boys and stop this girlie moves because this is nothing more when stupid bull$#@!.

    Our enemy is nintendo not brakken, not tehskeen, not dcemu not wraggster.

    Forget the past and all childish moves when you think about it.

    (hope my english is understandable)

  8. #8
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    Coders should have freedom to release wherever they feel, though from what I read of that message. Brakken wants everything to be posted on Tehskeen first, and have Tehskeen in the GUI so people who are using the emulators will go there and whatnot.

    The thing about removing the code from Google, sounds like Brakken wants to take control on things and he's not getting his own way because he's not getting the traffic (through exclusivity) although blatantly lying saying he doesn't care (traffic is all that matters when running a site).

    If he closes the site over something as trivial like that, then good luck to him because it's not the end of the world.

  9. #9
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    i get what your saying but when people attack you on other sites repeatedly, sometimes its nice to aim one back and let others know that a certain person isnt the god he thinks he is.

  10. #10
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Anyway imsure people who arent on any side will see that a Coder can release it where he or she likes.

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