Acclaimed skater adds that ‘this is the game I’ve always wanted to make’
Publisher Activision Blizzard has for the first time spoken publically following its unveiling of the long-anticipated reinvention of its massive extreme sports franchise – Tony Hawk Ride.
The game ditches the series’ trademark button-combinations in favour of using a plastic skateboard peripheral that can sense movement.
“Tony Hawk Ride is a massive step forward for the franchise and the gaming industry as a whole,” Activision Publishing’s head of marketing and global brand management Rob Kostich stated.
“The skateboard controller will redefine sports games by offering players a true skateboarding experience, hands-free, playing with friends and family at home or online in a variety of different locations.”
Real-life skate boy Tony Hawk himself added: “This is the game I’ve always wanted to make. Playing on the board is unlike any other game, and I’m excited for everyone to have the chance to feel what it’s really like to experience the true feeling of skateboarding.”

Activision’s press release also states that the revamp will bring the franchise ‘to the forefront with cutting-edge technology for the hardcore fans and accessibility for the mass audience’.
With former developer Neversoft currently embroiled in all things Guitar Hero, Robomodo is developing the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game with video game with Buzz Monkey working on the Wii iteration.