And Sony studio prepares for another five years with user-generated content hint

Five years ago on May 21st SingStar was released, and as the anniversary passes, the development team at Sony's London Studio are already looking forward to the series' future.

While full details are unconfirmed, it appears that London Studio will be adding complete video editing functionality to SingStar's online element, allowing uses to customise videos of their performances.

Speaking to Develop about the the plans for the future of SingStar, London Studio development director Mike Haigh revealed: “I think the key word there is emergence. You can’t plan emergence – you have to listen to your community, and put tools in place so you can easily listen, so that there’s no barriers or other influence from external forces.

Watching how people use video and the pause button gives us good indication as to what to do next, and that’s a hint at what we might be doing in the future.”

To celebrate SingStar's birthday, Develop has interviewed key members of the team and looked over the creation of the hugely popular karaoke game in an in-depth feature. There's also a detailed time-line in the features section for those looking to familiarise themselves with the progression of the series.