via Computer and Video Games

Developer of well-received WiiWare game Swords & Soldiers has explained why it opted for Nintendo's service rather than Xbox Live Arcade: because it's easier.

In an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, Ronimo Games' Fabian Akker said: "It's so easy to get your games out there! It's much harder on Xbox Live. It was tough at first to get a license from Nintendo - we were just kids from school - but THQ helped us a lot.

"It's an open platform, it's relatively cheap and it gives you loads of freedom," he said. "And the Wii controls are perfect for the game. I found it really weird that there were no RTS games on the Wii. The Remote's pointer is perfect for the genre."

Akker said that for the same reasons Ronimo will probably stick with WiiWare for its next game: "It's [download games] definitely the future. Our next game will probably be on WiiWare too."