Sure, EOS Utility will let you control the Canon DSLR of your choice from the comfort of your PC, but what if you want to add one more enticing level of indirection to the equation? Well, sport, for that, you'll need a little app for the iPhone from onOne called DSLR Remote, which connects via WiFi to a utility on your computer -- which is in turn cabled to your camera. It's not on the App Store just yet, but there'll be two versions available: Professional, for an introductory price of $9.99, which allows you to control a host of camera settings, and the $1.99 Lite, which simply lets you fire the shutter. The coolest part might be Live View compatibility, which would make a great poor man's security camera (if you can call a 5D Mark II a poor man's anything) -- if only it weren't for the instant rejection the app would face had they made it 3G-compatible, right?