We thought that the old Sega versus Nintendo rivalry was a thing of the past, now that the former has extricated itself from the console business - but maybe such thoughts were premature. Sega has shown Famitsu a title it is working on for the Nintendo DS, which bears enough of a whiff of Nintendogs for it to have been nicknamed "Segadogs".
Based on a Sega Toys brand called Ochaken, which translates as Tea Dogs, it's certainly wacky. Its cute, cartoon-style canines are constructed from tea-bags, and will compete in 18 mini-games including air hockey, slot machines and card and rhythm games. Depending on how well you do in those mini-games, your dogs will infuse virtual tea with their distinctive flavours.

It remains as yet unknown whether the game - whose official title is Room of Ochaken DS - will make it to Europe (it does appear to have a very Japanese flavour) or, if it does, what it will be called and when it will arrive. But we'll keep you updated