In the company’s financial results briefing Q&A for fiscal ‘09, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated the company is preparing “several titles” for release toward the end of 2009.

First of all, please understand that I am not in a position to comment on third parties software, especially when the lineup has not been announced by them.
The reason why I said today that April, May and June sales of Wii will not reach last year’s results but that the situation will change from summer this year was because the company has been preparing for several titles to be launched toward the end of this year that can drive the market.

Iwata also goes on to state that the company has been informed by numerous Western publishers that they will focus on Wii development, and that he is hopeful that these publishers have unannounced titles in the works that he is not aware of. Furthermore Nintendo forecasts a 40 million software unit shipment increase to accompany these collective releases.

As far as first-party releases go, we’re already aware of Wii Sports Resort, Sin & Punishment 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, all of which are getting Western releases. What else does NCL hope to release in the West?