via Joystiq

It looks as though Sony is planning to introduce yet another PS3 SKU in the coming weeks. A reader has tipped us to a new addition to Best Buy's product database -- a "limited edition" PS3 bundle that includes a 80GB system and two games. It sounds similar to Target's post-GDC PS3 bundle, which included MotorStorm and Resistance.

According to the database, this new SKU is scheduled for release on June 9th, one week after the start of this year's E3 Expo. The listed price for the bundle is $399, the current price for a PS3 system now. Analysts have repeatedly stated a PS3 price cut is in the works, but this new SKU may suggest otherwise. Conversely, Sony may opt to drop the price on a "bare bones" bundle, while offering this new "elite" package at the now-standard price.

For now, this new bundle may be exclusive to Best Buy, similarly to Target's post-GDC bundle. The UPC listed uses a prefix that is typically used in Best Buy's PlayStation products. If Sony packages some newer high-profile games with the system (we have a few in mind), the $399 price point might be a bit more attractive. Oh, and Sony, please don't bundle Lair and Haze with the system, kthanks.