The Prison Service handed out 2,515 of the gadgets - including PlayStation 3s and PSPs, Xbox 360s and Nintendo Wiis and Gameboys - for good behaviour.

Soham child killer Ian Huntley, 35, got a £179 Wii at Frankland jail, Co Durham. Shannon Matthews' kidnap-scam mum Karen, 33, had a £300 PlayStation 3 at New Hall Prison, Wakefield, West Yorks.

One in five of the 458 inmates at Whitemoor top-security jail, Cambs - home of knife killer Kenneth Noye, 62 - were also bought consoles.

Lancaster Farms juvenile prison got 538 consoles - even though there are only 527 inmates. Manchester jail got 230 consoles and Liverpool 190.

Total cost for 2005-08 was £221,726. Shadow justice secretary Dominic Grieve said: "The public will be horrified."

The Government has now ruled that prisoners must buy their own consoles.