News/release from bboyjcm

What's New in 2.00:
-Now uses HighMemoryMod V4 By P86
-HighMemoryMod V4 was HEX'ed in order to boot the right files.
-PIC1 , SND0 & ICON0 were removed from the HIGHMEMORYMOD Browser in order to reduce filesize
-Code Cleaning
-A bit Faster
-Credits, Readme & Changelog are now updated.

An old project of mine which i found while i was searching for something completely different (It was my first psp homebrew app)

What it does:
Basically, it allows users to boot portals via psp->game. (You dont need to open your webbrowser, and select the portal url from your bookmarks) You place the contents of your favourite portal in "psp/game/pl/portal" and you run the launcher from psp-game

Portal makers can also use this, as their portal homebrew launcher by changing the (Icon0 etc) and release their upcoming portals as homebrew apps ;p [lol]

I thought that some of you might find it useful (otherwise let the download link die)

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