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Thread: Help Editing Sprites....

  1. #1

    Talking A Noob's Guide To Making a WAD!!! zomg...

    Ok, I got the sprites edited for the chaingun and it worked on pc in zdoom and the wired testing thing in DeeP, but when I transfer it to PSP it doesn't show the new sprites.... only my new graphix, sounds, and maps....

    Can anyone offer help?

    Edit, I found out that you had to include all the sprites if you edited even only one... so I did... AND IT WORKED!!!

    Any ways, what you'll need to get off google is:

    Ok, with XWE you do all you sprite/grapx replacing

    With WINTEX you do all you sprite, graphix, and sound exporting
    (and song, grapx, & sound importing)

    Then With DOOM BUILDER and DeeP you make the the maps, edit them, test them, and some other neat things...

    For a guide to DOOM BUILDER go to

    You get tuts from there and you can get DB, and XWE from there!
    (find the others on google)

    And if you are making midis into mus then find midi2mus.exe from google

    Hope that helped...

    By the way... what the heck is 1337?

  2. #2


    Hey mods, can you plz change the topic to "[TUT]A Noob's Guide To Making a WAD!!!" cause I just added to my old [REQ] (which is gone now lol)and how its a tut...

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