Global Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has revealed the newest piece of hardware from the platform holder at E3 – the Wii Vitiality Sensor.
No launch date was given for the device, which fits over the finger of the Wii user.
The WVS appeared to measure heart beat and other 'hidden' changes in the user's body.

Iwata said:
"What's next [in the future of gaming]? I though I should give you at least one potential answer. So I'd like to give you a sneak peek at an entirely different way of thinking about games."

'Brain Age was about training your brain, Wii Fit about balancing your body. Today, please look for the first time at the Wii Vitality Sensor.
"This measures the pulse – not just the heartbeat. It helps you visualise something which is invisible.
"How nervous am I? How focused am I on remembering my script? These things are normally invisible. We enable to see your body balance with Wii Fit. But the Wii Vitaity Sensor sees the information relating to the inner world of your body.
"You can use the product to achieve greater releaxaion. Maybe everyone under pressure in our stressful society could use this to relax.
"Currently, video games give us increased excitement or stimulation. But it will not be long before games are used to let people unwind or even fall asleep."
No price or launch date were given for the device.