The Codemii Team have released a new version of the Homebrew Browser, heres whats new:

2 June 2009 (v0.3.2)

Added an updated applications pop-up which can be disabled in the setting. When applications are updated, you will be notified of the date, application and version when starting HBB.
Added number of Wiimotes supported by applications by showing the number in the Wiimote icon
Can revert to using IP address if HBB can’t find domain
Added a download icon to indicate which application is being downloaded when you are browsing whilst downloading
Added setting to disable Wiimote power off as some users experienced their Wii’s turning off automatically
Fixed bug where download/delete buttons would show when rating an application
Fixed an issue when deleting applications wouldn’t delete some folders
Fixed squares that occasionally showed after name, description, etc which would cause creating/deleting directories to fail
Fixed download queue issue when removing applications from the queue
Fixed code dumps that occurred when scrolling the lists
The Homebrew Browser has now been upgraded to v0.3.2. The main feature is an updated applications pop-up which lets you know exactly which applications where updated, the date they were updated on the HBB and the version it was updated to.

Also are a few fixes, especially for the squares issue which keeps on occurring but it should now be fixed permanently.

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