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Thread: Revolution Denied Slice Of Rare

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Revolution Denied Slice Of Rare

    Reports coming out of the US from the Games Developers Conference are suggesting that Nintendo's Virtual Console service (its planned retro classics downloads for Revolution) will lack some of the big name games belonging to the now Microsoft-owned Rare.
    Apparently both Microsoft and Rare staff have confirmed to IGN that back catalogue Rare titles like Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini and Conkers Bad Fur Day won't make it onto the retro download service. Perhaps most importantly of all the seminal Goldeneye will also be MIA, unless both Rare and new license holder EA manage to agree a deal.

    That's got to be a major blow for prospective Revolution owners looking forward to some tasty retro treats, but looking on the brighter side, Rare titles which are owned by Nintendo including Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing will be making an appearance - although we suspect that won't be so much of a consolation.
    So we urge EA and Rare to get together and make it happen with Goldeneye, a Virtual Console without Bond would be missing one of its major stars and by the gods of gaming, that's not something we'd like to contemplate on this wet Monday morning.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Adrenalin's Avatar
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    Whaaa? no conkers BFD? that would be a somewhat of a shame

    i hope that nintendo keeps its virtual console on the right track, whether its by securing some classic games or by offering unique games.

    ( Well, as long as Super Smash Bros and Ocarina of time are on it i'll be really happy )

    Though i am slightly concerned about the apparent lack of inbuilt memory, i am sure that Nintendo either has, or will have, a solution to this up its sleeve (otherwise Virtual console would have a major problem).

    K, peace out

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    NO GOLDENEYE OR PERFECT DARK????????!!!!!!!!!!
    I missed out on the originals and have been dying to play them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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