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Thread: installed softmii, can't play brawl, must update firmware

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default installed softmii, can't play brawl, must update firmware

    I have a cyclowiz installed. I have had no problems until I got the new Final Fantasy IV virtual console game. Every time I tried to play it, the console would reset. After doing some research, I saw people claiming that you need to update the cIOS and IOS. So I downloaded the softmii package and installed it with the new cIOS. I loaded up FFIV, and it worked. So I decided I was going to play some brawl, and now I can't. It tells me I must update my system firmware.

    So I am trying to get around this now. Heres my system info:

    Firmware: 3.2U
    IOS v30
    Systemmenu v289
    preloader v0.29

    when I put the hacks.ini fine into the root of my sd card, and I start the preloader and go to Systemmenu Hacks, it says "No hacks for your system menu version(289) were found." All the hacks in the hacks.ini file are for version 289. I spent hours last night trying to figure this out. If someone has knows why I am having problems playing brawl (origional copy which worked) and why none of the hacks.ini files are working, I would really appreciate some info.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Does anyone have any idea why softmii can't find the hacks.ini file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I figured it out... sort of. I don't know why, but another softmii package that I had downloaded a while back, v2.1.1, seemed to work. I didn't do any hack removal or change a single thing in my wii, since I never installed it before. I simply deleted everything in my sd card and copied the older files over to the sd card. Somehow, even though the files were for an older preloader and such, I started it and it found the hacks, they worked. Doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe something was mislabeled somewhere.
    One thing that really bothers me now though, I have used my cyclowiz for at least 2 years now without an issue. I have installed softmii on two wiis and sometimes the games want to play, other times they don't, the exact same games i played on my wii, and now, because of a vc game i purchased, I can't use my cyclowiz anymore.
    Can someone explain this to me?
    Last edited by VAJRA; June 9th, 2009 at 05:43.

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