News from Lik Sang

Tomy, who brought us the smashing Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen series for GameCube, plus the Naruto RPG and Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu series for the GBA and NDS, have something special lined up for this April 27th. Those who laid hands on Jump Superstars, still a hot seller almost eight months after its release, will know how much chaotic fun a four player beat 'em up can be on the DS. Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu titles however have typically been side scrolling action affairs, but this 4th instalment breaks the mould and comes out a full on four player melee fighting fest instead!

All the action plays out up on the top screen, taking place in huge 2D environments across roof tops, jungles, cliffs, trains, snowy mountain tops and more. Meanwhile the touch screen is used to display each of the four character's stats, a useful radar and selection of hot quick moves. You can also use the stylus to draw Jutsu seals which let rip giant super moves and massive damage. The accompanying pre-rendered cut scenes then play out down there while the fights continue to roll on up top.

Beyond beating each other down there's a variety of multiplayer modes to try, from missions such as finding treasures and scrolls, to protecting someone and more. Exact gameplay details remain scarce, but a single player storyline mode has been confirmed, having you fight various opponents, animals, bosses and even your own Bunshin (clone).

More at the link above