A month after losing his Enzo Ferrari in a crash on a Californian highway, former Gizmondo executive Stefan Eriksson has been forced to say farewell to another luxury car after police impounded his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

According to the LA Times Eriksson's wife, Nicole Persson, was driving the car when a Beverly Hills police officer's suspicions were aroused by its European licence plate.

He stopped the vehicle and found that Persson was unable to produce a driving licence. Further investigations revealed that the $400,000 Mercedes was not registered in the US, and after contacting Scotland Yard, police learned that the car may have been stolen.

LA County Sheriff Sergeant Phil Brooks said that Eriksson is now left with just one of the three luxury cars he imported into the US last year. "He brought in through San Diego two Ferraris and the Mercedes and said they were show cars and that he was not going to drive them on the streets," Brooks said.

Police are still investigating the incident last month where Eriksson's Enzo Ferrari was destroyed on a Pacific Coast highway. Eriksson claimed the car was being driven by a man named Dietrich, but so far police have been unable to ascertain his whereabouts.