We got a chance to see Section 8 at E3 this year. Summing things up, our experience was pretty much in line with what we played at GDC earlier this year. So, let's just skip that and get to the news, shall we? Section 8 will be the very first Xbox 360 game to allow users to set up their own dedicated servers, according to producer Robert Siwiak.

Players will be able to download an application on their PC that will allow them to turn it into a dedicated server for the game. When playing on a dedicated server -- developer TimeGate will be hosting some as well, incidentally -- Section 8 will support multiplayer matches of up to 32 players. This a significant boost over the standard 16-player offered by regular servers. Sporting some very impressive sci-fi inspired gameplay bolstered by this extra online support, Section 8 is shaping up to be quite a game. Expect it to drop (from 15,000 feet) this fall.
