News/release from Pete_Lockwood

Tired of the horrendous poker games available for the DS (all flashy graphics and lousy functionality) I decided to write my own.

The whole driver behind wanting to play on the DS was to be able to play poker at lunchtime in an office environment, where cards and chips might be frowned upon

The game currently supports No-Limit Texas Hold-Em for up to 6 players in wireless multiplayer mode or a 6 player Hold-Em or Omaha Hi 'standalone' mode where you play all 6 hands (good for debugging and kinda interesting as a simulator).

The wireless doesn't use an Access Point - it uses the DS->DS hack I documented a while ago here.

It auto-saves after each hand so you can begin a tournament and come back later to finish it. It's pretty resilient to occasional networking glitches - if one of the DSes crashes , it can simply be rebooted and rejoin the game. Come to that 5 of the 6 could crash and they'd all be able to pick back up - not so with the existing networked poker games, where if one DS dies the tournament is dead. Another feature we didn't find elsewhere is the rabbit hunt so that's been added too

Source code lives here and a binary download is also available here. If you try to build from the source you'll need to update your DSWifi library as discussed in the DS->DS thread above.

It's not perfect, it's not a good example of proper programming practices, it'll crash occasionally (at a rate of once or twice per 5 hours played in our experience), but we've been playing with it for a few months and greatly prefer it over the commercial offerings. If nothing else, it's a simple example of a multiplayer game that actually works pretty well without using an AP.

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