Leading iPhone game publisher Ngmoco has no plans to release exclusive games for the newly announced iPhone 3GS, instead offering a more creative way to take advantage of the new model's increased graphical power.

MTV Multiplayer, the website that used to be Totilo's playground, spoke to Ngmoco co-founder Neil Young on the subject of the new, more powerful, more expensive iPhone that Apple announced on Monday. He explained that the company that brought us Rolando and Star Defense plans to continue releasing games that play across the entire iPhone family, rather than branching off to 3GS specific titles.

That doesn't mean the company won't be taking advantage of the new device's increased abilities. The solution, which the company is implementing in the upcoming iPhone first-person shooter, LiveFire, tears a page out of the PC game development handbook.

"We're scaling the imagery based on the performance of the device, so if you've got a 3GS, the game's going to look better and run at a great frame rate. And if you're on an iPhone 3G, the game will look a little bit different, but the frame rate will be the same, 'cause obviously performance and speed are actually an important part of a cool first person shooter gameplay experience."

A perfect solution to delivering a similar game play experience across platforms with different technical specifications. They are sharp, those Ngmoco folks.
