The Xbox 360 is starting to build speed this month with the arrival of some truly spectacular titles and further marketplace releases championing the bustling Live service. There's still one important piece of the x-shaped puzzle to land though, and it's a next-gen appearance of the hugely anticipated third instalment of Halo.
The latest rumours to trickle from the internet suggest that it could be a little while yet before the Mater Chief triumphantly arrives on the Xbox 360. Citing a duo of anonymous sources, IGN claims that it'll be March 2007 before we get our hands on the next-generation Halo, further cementing Microsoft's comments that they won't be rushing Master Chief's 360 opus out the door.

If true, we're sure Halo 3's slip to next year will disappoint more than a few Halo fanatics, but with massive titles like Gears of War and Mass Effect landing this year, Xbox 360 owners have plenty to look forward to in 2006.
On the flip side, some stern-business types might suggest that a little nudge to get the Chief blasting on Xbox 360 this year might be a very sound idea. With both the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution hitting stores this year, Microsoft could do with all the firepower it can get to combat the arriving next-gen competition, and Halo 3 would no-doubt be a silver bullet against even the most colossal of console launches.

We have to wonder if the mooted 2007 date has anything to do with the forthcoming Halo movie, which is scheduled for summer 2007. Could we see a launch alongside the Halo flick? it'd certainly be a big double whammy.

With the year swiftly progressing and still no sign of Bungie's next-gen epic, we think it's likely that Microsoft is indeed eyeing a 2007 release for Halo's next-gen reprisal. However, expect to see at the very least a sneak peak at the game at this year's E3 show, where Microsoft again needs to sway attention away from the other next-gen revelations.

We will of course keep you informed on even the smallest of Halo 3 developments.