The second Killzone 2 map pack, the Flash and Thunder map pack, is out today, adding re-designed versions of two fan favourites from Killzone 1.

The pack features Beach Head and Southern Hills maps, which are apparently "two of the best" arenas from the original Killzone - now completely remade for PS3.

In regards to the changes made, senior level designer Stuart Billinghurst points out there's "an immediate visual difference: the original maps took place on Vekta, so we transported them to Helghan's desolate battlegrounds.

"We modified the basic layouts of the maps somewhat, based on accumulated player feedback. The layouts will still be instantly familiar to anyone who played the originals, but the flow of combat has been vastly improved."

Describing the maps, he adds: "MP-11 Beach Head is very much a tug-of-war, with two factions constantly trying to advance the front line in the other direction.

"MP-12 Southern Hills has a classic Capture The Flag-style layout with large open areas and mirrored bases, but the nuclear blast adds an element of unpredictability. In terms of player numbers, both maps are ideally suited for 8-24 players. This isn't a hard limit, though - they can still be played with 32 participants for some frantic fun."