Like the proud parent of a toddler who has just mastered walking, Capcom has announced that its dragon-slaying action RPG, Monster Hunter Freedo, has become the biggest selling PSP game in Japan, with 515,828 copies sold to date. (Or at least, by the time Capcom prepared its press release – we suspect it will have managed to shift a few more games since.)

Why is this important? Well, we always get a little tingle of joy when a game is successful, but more importantly it often tends to be a decent indicator of how good it is. It's by no means infallible – obviously different territories have different gaming tastes, and marketing can also play a major role – but as a rough guide it can be useful.

And in this case it's particularly significant because we've yet to see the game released over here. Monster Hunter Freedom's smash hit status should therefore give you additional reason to keep an eye out for it when it does eventually stomp its way into Europe on 12th May.

Via Pocketgamer