20m consoles sold in the territory after just 31 months on the market
The US video games market may well be starting to struggle in the face of the global recession, but Nintendo is undoubtedly fairing best in the face of economic instability as Wii sails past yet another significant sales milestone.
Since its release a mere 31 months ago the Wii has now sold over 20m units in North America, making it the fastest selling console in the territory’s history.
Let’s not forget either the extent to which the DS outstripped its console opposition in May, with the DSi shifting 390,000 machines and the DS Lite 244,000 units. The combined sales of 633,000 placed it far ahead of any other platform.
“The continued enthusiastic consumer response to our products shows that Nintendo has something for everyone,” Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales and marketing Cammie Dunaway stated.
“For Nintendo, precision motion controls and social gaming are realities today. Upcoming games like Wii Sports Resort, launching at the end of July, and Wii Fit Plus and New Super Mario Bros Wii, coming this fall and holiday, will give consumers even more amazing experiences to enjoy.”
