News/release from Slippy

Bomberman-inspired MMORPG.
Every kill is +4 to your experience
Every death is a -1 to your experience.
100 Experience points = 1 level

Art is completely modifiable and expandable, allowing individual servers to offer custom packs (although certain resources are shared)
(Will release the art tools a bit later on)

Controls (In Game)
Digital/Analog = move character
Select = bring up OSK
Start = bring up quit menu
X = plant bomb

Controls (Menu)
Digital/Analog = move cursor
X/Start = select
O = go back/cancel

There's 8 players max per map, so what this means is that after a map gets filled, a new dimension is created to hold the new set.
To switch dimensions, one needs to enter and leave a map.

To get to the lobby:
Walk south in The Jungle to a little 'entrance'


Revision D: (in progress)

1) Add sound effects
5) Add in-game menu for top (global) scorer charts
6) Add better player movement prediction (current implementation is a shabby one, but quick to implement)
13) Potential state transition-bug: Add watchdog to check if net context is down, and game context is up. If so, shut down game context, and pull up menu context.
18) Add anti-cheat position check server side (requires #17) (There's two types of checks, maximum distance per second, and actual server side collision )
21) Resolve the teleportTo and moveTo issue
36) Fix awkward camera position.
37) Fix zbuffer ranging to reduce zbuffer-overlapping polygons.
40) Add animated texture support (use to animate water)
44) Implement Dan's OSK for the people that want it
45) Fix issue where, when PSP's wifi-panel fails, the input is applied to both the fR menu and the wifi panel
48) Make pressing start not bring up the log off message box, but add a log off menu
50) Fix announce command in server
51) Don't discard user IDs in the chat module
52) Investigate D48 occurrence in server and client code
54) Add setPos server command
55) Add ping and ping back function
56) Send version # on register
57) Add bombom collision, right now the player can "step over it"
58) Fix bug where on other's PSPs, the death animation is looped instead of played once
59) Fix bottom "hint" bar whose smoothing was turned off by accident
60) Fix DH logo whose smoothing was turned off by accident
61) Fix lag (lol, first find the source I guess)
62) Fix explosion alpha-conflict
63) Fix vsync issue where the map draw flickers and the black background can be seen
64) Fix issue where players can't see their own level (always says 0) but others can
65) Fix annoying chat scrolling bug

Revision C: (latest)

Fixes from B:
0) Tag (EBOOT images)
35) Add player respawn time out and selection (requires #17)
3) Add bombom planting (Lobby = no bombom planting) (requires #33)
11) Add temporary time out to prevent users from clicking [Submit] in the menu like mad
17) Add collision map loading server side
20) Add time indep. movement by getting the ticks in the game_think function
24) Add colors to chat text to denote when server speaks, you speak, and others speak (changed my mind, not going to implement this)
28) Add player dying.
29) Add background to help tint areas around text to be easier to read.
32) Add player radius check in collision detection, instead of just the center.
33) Add place item packet
34) Remove the player misalign hack
41) Add ?, /, ', :, and a bunch of other missing ASCII keys to the OSK; Note: |~[]{} are not on OSK cause they're game-reserved keys!
42) Promote chat messages to TPC-over-UDP (some may notice that some messages get lost; this is due to me using a lossy send mode for chats.)
43) Implement sgl_splitSprite() for drawing large textures as split chunks (speed boost)
46) Fix issue where, a player goes to another map, their X/Z coords are changed to match the 'door' of the new map, yet this change is visible for a few seconds on the old map.
47) Phase out "POLL_EVENT" packet, and replace it with anti-cheat server-side version.
49) Read events from the ESM map and not hard coded into the server
53) Add setExp server command

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