UK Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw makes no mention of the BBFC in his Commons statement

The UK Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw has implied that the UK’s classification system for videogames will be “based on the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) system”.

Bradshaw did not mention the alternative option for classification, the BBFC.

Bradshaw made his claim during a statement to the House of Commons. His verdict is based on guidance outlined in the Digital Britain report, which is due for publication in a few moments.

The verdict brings an end to months of speculation surrounding which certification system will be used for videogames.

Currently there are two certification standards for videogames, with both the BBFC and the PEGI systems involved.

The need for a unified certification system was called for last year following the Byron report.

Lord Carter - the author of the report – is about to announce the plans in a statement presented to the House of Lords.

Develop will be receiving the full publication shortly when it is officially released.

More follows.