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Thread: PSPiano V0.2

  1. #1

    Default PSPiano V0.2

    PSPiano version 0.2 is an update of the PSPiano series made by me.
    Version 0.20 changes...
    A partner app has been added in.
    Now named PSPscales (The old app unchanged)
    Partner program is PSPiano
    In the new PSPiano, it is now a lot easier to play tunes. If you press r or l it changes the note pitch. So, if you hold R, then you press down, you will be playing C sharp, rather than C.

    If you don't know how to install, please read the readme.
    (Download via comments)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Mew's Avatar
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    oh hells yeah!
    I like it to have an piano software synth on my PSP!
    But (I've said it in the older release thread too), is the digital pad of the psp really $#@! to play accords! You can't play more than one note on the digital pad, how sad! ..

    my wishlist:
    a record-function, to play over recorded work on the app to make (at least) accords on from notes which are on the d-pad. And, yeah.. for play that fun-recorded stuff on my pc xD (maybe a auto-copy to the PSP/MUSIC file dictionary?).

    Yeah, that's it!
    Keep up and THANK YOU for that nice app, dude!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    Hey good program!

    Can i suggest one thing if its not too hard and might make this program more wanted?

    Have the PSpiano play midi files in accordance to the notes?

  4. #4


    There is a slight problem with it having play midi files, and that is that midi files aren't any good in Lua, Lua can't read or play them. I am thinking how it is possible to map over the controls to make it possible to play chords. I would need some feedback on the chords.
    Would you want to choose the notes you play, or would it be ok to have preset chords? There would be a fairly large amount of chords. So for example if you tap the analog up, and hold R, it would play a major chord, but if you hold L then it would play a minor chord. If you press X it plays F major/minor, if you press circle it plays g major/minor?
    Just an idea. As for the recording, i'll have to think about how to get it to do it. Not as easy as the rest i'm afraid, but possible.

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