Goumba the coder of Sabacc Basics a Star Wars game for the PSP has posted this in our PSP Emulation and Homebrew Forum:

Hey guys,

First forgive me if this is in the wrong place.

I've been working on Sabacc Basics. Unfortunately, I've broken my hand which makes it difficult for me to continue and I don't have as much time as I used to anyway. So it doesn't seem like I've forgotten the project, I'm offering the source to anyone who wishes to continue developing SB.

Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors. I am trying to make this as easy on my hand as possible, so I'm going to type and not do too much editing.

A few notes:
1. I am a self taught programmer, and was learning along the way. I have no formal training in programming. This is my first project I've gotten anywhere with using C++ (much less SDL, etc). As such, the code may not be nice to look at, and many things probably could have been done better. I am not a programmer by trade and never will be. Please don't make fun of the code.
2. On that note, if you choose not to release the source, I request you at least share with me so that I may learn where I could have improved things. Possibly for a future project if I have the time.
3. Please give me some credit.
4. I may, however it is unlikely once I give up the source, resume SB at a later time. Or, I may re-use the name in an entirely new project. At such time, those who volunteer to continue SB may still do so. I am not one of those people who will ask others to cease. This is a free project and will always be so as far as I am concerned. Likewise, I am asking that none who pick up the project try to make it "exclusive," by asking others to stop developing SB.

One other option I am considering is making this a community project, putting it up on sourceforge or the like, and adding as maintainers those who are interested.

Those interested get in touch here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/sho...d.php?t=217447