Garou: Mark of the Wolves comes out on Xbox Live Arcade this summer. Garou was announced with a slew of other SNK developed XBLA games like The King of Fighters: Sky Stage, which doesn’t even have a release date.

Metal Slug 7 was previously announced as an Xbox Live Arcade game, but it was missing from the list. So, I inquired about it. Robert Macchiaverna, Acquisitions Manager at Ignition Entertainment, explained “It is still happening, but I believe that’s scheduled to be a 2010 title.” Ignition published Metal Slug 7 on the DS (pictured) in North America and has a close relationship with SNK. “Ultimate Match ['98] is coming out this year, but Metal Slug is not,” Macchiaverna continued.

Just one more year. Maybe a two-thirds of year until co-op Slug Gigant action.