Relic has announced a major multiplayer update for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II that will effectively double the number of maps for the real-time strategy game. The update, called There is Only War, is due out later this summer. It's so big that Relic plans to beta test the update, though details on the beta are to come.

There is Only War will add eight new maps, bringing the total of multiplayer maps to 17. There will be four new 1v1 maps (Legis High Stratum, Outer Reaches, Calderis Refinery, and Leviathan Hive), two new 2v2 maps (Golgotha Depths and Calderis Refinery), and two new 3v3 maps (Angel Gate and Calderis Refinery). The fact that Calderis Refinery shows up three times is interesting, but it's not clear how it differs between 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 play.

In addition to the new maps, Relic says that the update will rebalance the game drastically. Units have been re-tuned, new abilities have been added, and many bugs and exploits have been addressed. There will also be new observer and referee options to allow spectator modes.

There is no release date other than sometime this summer.