After a few attempts to cool rising speculation surrounding a new Xbox 360 SKU, Microsoft has turned to its CEO, Steve Ballmer – the very individual who provoked the rumours – to adequately close the debate.

Last week the idiosyncratic Microsoft boss reportedly claimed that a ‘new’ Xbox 360 is due to arrive in 2010 along with the release of Project Natal. Microsoft representatives have since cast doubt on such a plan, but – visibly – such comments were not definitive enough to settle the growing rumours.

With Microsoft unable to dissolve the buzz, the company’s CEO has released a statement to IGN:

“There is no news in my comments. Things are as reported after E3. Sorry.”

Ballmer confirmed that his comments last week were more accidental and unintended than they appeared. “I confused the issue with my poorly chosen words,” he said.

Project Natal remains without an official launch date.