Game publisher XSEED Games announced today that Drill Sergeant Mindstrong is now available for download on WiiWare for 800 points. Drill Sergeant Mindstrong is a brain-stimulating party game for Wii that challenges your wit and requires quick thinking on your toes.

LINE UP FILTHY SLOWPOKES. Brain boot camp starts now! The Drill Sergeant will begin by assigning you difficult tasks that only the most intelligent troops can solve. Impress him by consecutively completing tasks and you can earn a combo bonus. However, boot camp is not always so rosy. For every incorrect answer, you will be docked points. Even some of the brightest muffinhead cadets can end the game with negative points.

After each round, Drill Sergeant will complete a task evaluation and assign each player a brain power rank. This rank is determined by how often you anger Drill Sergeant by giving the wrong answers, and the few times you actually get an answer right and gain points. Stay a lowly sugar plum private for the rest of your career, or use your brain power to rise up the ranks to Field Marshall.

But who am I kidding? There is no way a snot face, lamebrain, bed-wetting boot like yourself is smart enough to get past what Drill Sergeant Mindstrong has in store.

For more information on Drill Sergeant Mindstrong please visit: