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Thread: Monkey64 Update

  1. #31
    PSP Coder
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    Like I said. Short commings in the n64 gfx hardware hurt the system more then you can imagin.

    1st the n64 is a 64bit Misp Cpu at 93.75MHz. The Rsp is a 64bit Mips Cpu at 62.5MHz. N64 Cpu has a Floating point unit (cop1) & the rsp has a vector unit (cop2). N64 Games could run in resolutions between 320x240 to 640x480. The N64 was a very difficult piece of hardware to work with due to it's unsimplistic nature of working with the hardware.

    The DS is a 32bit Arm (Arm9) Cpu at 67MHz with a 32bit Arm (Arm7) at 33MHz. The DS has no floating point or vector units, All 3d is handled in fixpoint math. DS games run at 256x192 resolution. The DS is very simplistic in terms of working with the hardware as much has been simplified by the programming librarys.

    Where the DS beats up the N64 is in the Gpu. The N64 Gpu had serious issues by having a very small TMEM area (where textures must reside to be rendered) which was 4KB. The DS has over half a meg of VRAM (when all banks are combind). DS Gpu suported more current features then n64 did (example, stencil buffer for shadows). N64 Had no Vram so Famebuffers were stored in main ram.

    If you compair Mario64 & MarioDS. You will notice a few things. MarioDS has much nicer textures yet has more jaged edges, no texture filtering or no mipmapping (stuff the DS lacks yet n64 had). Yet Mario64 does have weaker textures due poor TMem. Sure the geometry in Mario64 is a bit more primitive then MarioDS but you have to consider the fact that mario64 was nintendo's first big 3d game (snes 3d games were not done internaly). If you look at more advance N64 games like Conker's Bad Fur Day you will see much more advance character models then most ds games.

    The PSP actualy has alot more in common with the N64 then any other system.

  2. #32
    DCEmu Newbie
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    So would you say comparing the N64 to the DS is like comparing the PS2 to the Gamecube, where the PS2 has a more powerful CPU (on paper) compared to the Gamecube but the Gamecube has more texture memory, a better GPU and is less difficult to program?

  3. #33


    so does that mean it's posible to have a DS emu on the PSP ?

  4. #34
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    No it doesn't. Since the N64 and PSP hardware are similar, iti s possible to run some code natively. The DS has some custom hardware such as the GPU and two ARM chips which is going to be a pain to emulate at all. IF the PSP cant emulate the GBA fully yet, then it has no chance with the DS.

  5. #35
    PSP Coder
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    Arm cpu are a walk in the park. The problem is nobody does a dynamic recompiler for arm cpus. GBA & DS emulators are done old style LLE. If a dynamic recompiler was build the DS would be more then posible. The only big issue at the moment is there are no solid ds emulators still. Most are in their infancy and just barly running games still.

  6. #36
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i was just wondering monkey whether or not ur planning on tidying up the front end of the emu. i.e adding an image based menu rather than it being text based? because if u did want an image ceated for the front end i could create a menu? maybe? just thort it would be kinda cool to add something to it....

  7. #37


    did you say psmonkey that you are not going to release your emulator this weekend when before you said you would? are you trying to pull a donkey on us?

  8. #38
    DCEmu Rookie Demolition49's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaopjlll
    So would you say comparing the N64 to the DS is like comparing the PS2 to the Gamecube, where the PS2 has a more powerful CPU (on paper) compared to the Gamecube but the Gamecube has more texture memory, a better GPU and is less difficult to program?
    I thought Gamecube had a more powerfull processor... ps2 has 333mhz but gamecube had like 485MHZ.

    And to my knowledge the clock speed was better too...

    It also had more memory.

  9. #39
    PSP Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by coors888
    did you say psmonkey that you are not going to release your emulator this weekend when before you said you would? are you trying to pull a donkey on us?
    Well its either I post a crap build and take my break now or I post a build when it's finished and take my break then.

    Atleast I posted a build unlike others.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by behahwhoalalala
    please elaborate what you mean hockey2112 ?
    PSP Candate made a "spoiled child"-like remark, and I replied sarcastically. The remark is not aimed at PSMonkey whatsoever.

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