Although initially shocked by ZeniMax's acquisition of id Software, John Romero, one of the founders of the developer has said it's a positive move for the company.

"I guess I was shocked and sad to see the id Software of old changed forever today. It's a new day and a new id," he wrote via his Twitter account.

Romero had initially called the deal "disgusting" before admitting, "My initial reaction was harsh. Sorry. I am positive about the ZeniMax deal."

ZeniMax announced yesterday that it had acquired the Doom and Quake developer, adding those titles to an impress Bethesda portfolio which includes Fallout and The Elder Scrolls.

John Romero founded id Software back in 1991 with John Carmack, Tom Hall and Adrian Carmack.

John Carmack has said that part of the attraction of merging with ZeniMax was that he was tired of working with different publishing partners.