Sony's director of the PlayStation Home online community Peter Edward has detailed the success of the service with several statistics on its users.
Over 7 million PS3 owners have registered to use Home, 3 million of which are based in Europe, reports GamaSutra. 6 million virtual items have been purchased on the service, on which subscribers visit for sessions averaging 56 minutes in length.
80 per cent of Home users fall into the male, 18-35-year-old demographic; less than the 90 per cent Sony was expecting.

Sony has pointed to the success of much of Home's content as proof that the virtual world offers publishers and manufacturers of numerous products a wealth of oppotunity. Red Bull's free-to-play Air Race game has attracted 2.5 million visits, while the promotion for the Watchmen movie enjoyed 812,544 unique views, totalling 9.3 million viewed minutes of an exclusive video.
"For Sony, revenue isn't the main driver for Home. We're in this for the longterm," said Edward. "Home is the starting point for PlayStation 3 online, and that's something that gamers are going to expect as more games support Game Launch from within Home."
Edward also spoke of the merits of Home as a lobby for online PS3 games: "Players can set up their teams, choose the map and talk tactics before jumping into the game. This will become an essential component for all PS3 games."