Last week NIS America announced Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman would only be released as a PlayStation Network download. All the way on the other end of the spectrum, Disgaea 3: The Raspberyl Chapters is educating retailers.

An official looking product page at Amazon Japan shows the downloadable Disgaea 3: Raspberyl Chapters episodes repackaged on a disc. Since the expansion pack has not been properly announced by Nippon Ichi Software it’s unclear if the disc includes anything more like unique cameo characters.

A warning sticker on the bottom says this is an append disc and it requires a copy of Disgaea 3, either the original disc or the PlayStation 3 the Best re-release, to work. According to the retail listing, Disgaea fans in Japan can pick this up on September 17 for 2,625 yen ($28). The Raspberyl Chapters will be around nine months old then.