IGN have posted a ton of screens and some info about the game Def Jam:

Representatives from Electronic Arts paid a visit to the IGN offices this afternoon and brought an alpha build of Def Jam: Fight for NY - The Takeover right along with them. Though the version in-hand was over a month old (EA is keeping the newer versions under wraps until a later date), we did get to see a number of the PSP-exclusive additions already.

The most obvious of these new features is the implementation of ground grapples and a tightening of the stagger animations. More specifically, in the original console version only strikes and a few specialty maneuvers could be pulled off while an opponent was on the floor. Now, both the guy on his back and the assailant standing over him can go into full horizontal grappling -- complete with reversals, escapes, and the same old strike maneuvers that were used before.

Screens and more info here --> http://uk.psp.ign.com/articles/700/700722p1.html