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Thread: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

  1. #1
    Dream Coder
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    Default Dreamshell - A DC 'OS' .exe

    Apparently this is a graphical interface that allows you to run programs on your DC from CDs. It works like an OS apparently, and can also run scripts written for it off the VMU.

    Only drawback? Its in Russian. Maybe someone will translate it...

    (oh, by the way, this was made by S.W.A.T.)
    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    IF it's what I Think, is going to be a great tool for all Dreamers. I'm just downloading and very interested in it. I'll tell u later what happened. Zee ya
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'


    heres a translation

    This page of posveshchena to my project by the name DreamShell.
    Here is located all information about the last versions DreamShell and the renovations to it.
    But now strictly about program itself:
    DreamShell this (poka)malenkaya operating system for Dreamcast. I studied this project seriously and in dalneyshem will be developed the new versions DreamShell. It will be more functional and convenient in the work. In dalneyshem DreamShell must be simply house for Dreamcast. Renovations will be accessible to it, kotoriye you will be able to skachat' with the aid of the browser, and in the future of renovation you will rock directly from the very DreamShell. Renovations will remain on VMU and load at will of user. You will be able to be connected with other users DreamShell and to be exchanged with them files, information and to vobshche by all, than you will be able and which will support DreamShell. Will be created main server for DreamShell, where its users can be encountered, tyuey obshchatsya to exchange information.
    Well and teper about today's abilities DreamShell:
    Menu DreamShell thus far reminds menu Linux or NetBSD (to toyest' it does not exist), but in contrast to these operating systems DreamShell it has the complete support Dreamcast, you can go for a walk on VMU as on direktoriyam(papkam), free access to Cd- rum, Romdisk, Ramdisk is the possibility to start through DreamShell other programs Dreamcast up to the fact that she will be it is stored in you on VMU, if certainly she is not more than 100 kilos-byte, since no longer yue vlezit on VMU. Support of the modem, truth thus far in the test regime. The built-in record player of music in size Oggvorbis and so forth to transfer is possible still for long better this to see. But everything that Ci I will from time to time supplement this page by new information about DreamShell and its possibilities.
    Small aid upon commands:
    In order to see the list of commands, introduce as the command word help and to you will fluoresce list with the commands. In order to learn about the designation of command introduce help imya_komandy and to you will fluoresce small information about the command which you you will write after word help. If you want to learn as to use a command, then simply write it, without what or flag.

    Passage upward.
    Koye that about the sizes is file DS:
    ..gz - archive gzip, is unpacked and packs by command - gz
    ..dsr - Romdisk, this is the package file, which is connected in DS as folder by command - romdisk
    ..vm - this clean VMU fayl(.RASh), it is converted by command - vmcp
    ..bin - this is program for Dreamcast, it is started by command - exec
    ..dsch - this script is started by command - dscript

    I can write the name of file in this form:
    file.dsr.gz.vm - this means that this romdisk, which is packed in gz archive and is converted in VMU file. Here is another example:
    file.bin.gz - this indicates that this..bin of fayl(programma), packed in gz archive.
    I advise to adhere to you the same technology that to the people it would be understandable, with which they deal. In name VMU of file certainly everything can it will not be accomodated; therefore this can be written in explanation VMU fayla(pishetsya when you you convert what or file in VMU file).

    Passage upward.
    Information against skripte(.DSchript):

    This is the text file, in which are prescribed the commands, all commands which are there written they are fulfilled with its starting. Each command must begin from the new line, komentariy is designated by sign lattice - #, if we before the inscription place this sign, then entire which goes after this sign not will be considered command, program will go around this line and will begin to fulfill the following.

    # DScript # small explanation about the designation of
    script # the author of the script of command... # end

    Is natural everything must be written by English letters!
    It is original with starting of DS, DS searches for on your VMU the script, which must it will be carried out immediately after logotype, and DS will already then make possible to introduce commands to very. If DS it does not find it, then its loads, it lies here - /.rd/schripts/main.dsch
    You can make your script, directly in the mail of browser, then preserve it on VMU as letter. In DS you should konvertitovat' this letter into the simple text file, this is how this is done:

    vmcp of /.vmu/ay/DREAMKEY.Sh00 of /.ram/schript.dsch

    Now you have almost finished script, but there is one problemka, browser is written into the first 64 bytes of file, the information about this file and when script will be they will be carried out, DS to you will several times say type error, there is no such command and entire such. Therefore you should throw out these 64 bytes from the top of your script, this is done as follows:

    readf /.ram/schript.dsch of /.ram/schripty.dsch of
    razmer_skripta(fayla)-'ya_bayta 65

    The size of your file you can learn by command ls with flag -.l, command ls shows what files are in that directory, in which you be situated, and if we to this command add the flag of, then it is file together with the names, DS will show their razmer(v bytes). Passage on the directories is achieved by command cd and in order to learn in what directory you you are located introduce command pwd.

    cd to /.ram ls -.l

    We learned the size of our of fayla(naprimer of 1024 bytes), necessary to throw out from the size of the file of 64 bytes which we pass and now we enter it v in command readf:

    readf /.ram/schript.dsch of /.ram/schripty.dsch 960 65

    Now you have a finished script, it lies here /.ram/schripty.dsch
    DS searches for the script here of /.vmu/ay/DSchript.dsch
    I.e., you it should copy to your VMU and name file DScript.dsc

    cd/(this if you was situated in the directory to
    /.ram) cp /.ram/schripty.dsch of /.vmu/ay/DSchript.dsch

    Now you on VMU have to lie the incomprehensible file, which drim will assume as isporchenyy, although in reality this not so, I advise for such matters to bring itself the separate VMU in order not to interfere with other files. As is evident with the address, VMU must be inserted into slot A of the first joystick.
    In the main thing skripte(kotoryy is loaded originally with VMU) they must be introduced required komandy(tol'ko for version 1.3.0, to the versions lower than this, are not necessary these required commands), otherwise DS can work incorrectly, this is what there must be:

    # DScript # Main script # Autor echo Initing libraryes...
    init_.lib echo NET... OK init_.lib -.lship echo lwip... OK
    init_.lib -.snd echo Snd... OK init_.lib -.ogg echo Ogg... OK
    init_.lib -.mpe echo Mp3... OK echo Libraryes inited sleep 500 now
    your commands... # end

    Command echo is not required, it simply places information on screen. Well and command sleep makes delay to 500 millisekund(pol of second), for the respite)) voobshchem it is not also compulsory it to write, but everything else must be!!!
    You can appoint your script to buttons F1-f12, for this you should introduce the command:

    syscfg -.Fy of adres_skripta syscfg of -.F2 of
    adres_skripta and so forth to F12 this can be prescribed in the main

    Passage upward.
    Work with arkhivatorom gzip.
    Example of the packing:

    gz -.c /.ram/file.ds of /.ram/file.ds.gz 9

    gz - this is command itself
    - these are the flag for the command, which designates - zapakovat'(.chompress)
    /.ram/file.ds - this is the invented by me address of file, you should write the address of the file, which you want to pack at this place.
    /.ram/file.ds.gz - this address where will be preserved the packed file.
    9 - this is compression level, it is placed from 0 to 9(to there is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), where 0 this not to compress, while 9 maximum compressions, well and on the how much szhat'(kakoy level to place), this to already solve to you.
    Example of the unpacking:

    gz -.d /.ram/file.ds.gz of /.ram/f.ds

    gz - command
    -.d - flag for the command, which designates - raspakovat'(.dechompress)
    /.ram/file.ds.gz - address of file which you want to unpack.
    /.ram/f.ds - address where will be preserved the unpacked file

    Passage upward.
    Work from romdiskom(.romdisk):
    Romdisk(.romdisk) - this is the package file, which includes is somewhat it is file, it has an expansion of..dsr and with it they work by command - romdisk.
    In this command only of 2 flags, this -.m and -.u.
    -.m mean mount romdisk image, i.e., to fasten romdisk(prikreplyaetsya as directory).
    -.u this unmount romdisk image, i.e., to disengage and to udolit' romdisk from the memory. Example of the fastening:

    romdisk -.m /.ram/rd.dsr /.DS

    /.DS - this is the name of the directory, in which there will be it is found the files from romdiska - /.ram/rd.dsr
    Example of udoleniya of romdiska:

    romdisk -.u /.DS

    The same, system, is only natural the name of the file of romdiska not necessarily...

    Passage upward.
    Passage on the directories:
    Passage on the directories, is accomplished by command cd
    Originally as soon as DS was neglected, you be situated in the main directory, in this directory there are the directories:

    /.rd to /.ram to /.vmu of /.chd of /.pty
    The directory of /.rd this is vtroyenyy romdisk, in which are located different files utilized DS. directory to /.ram this working storage, in this directory you will produce different actions, this voobshchem your working directory. Directory this /.vmu directory in which are located your maps of memory, for example if map is inserted into the slot A, then this will appear then: /.vmu/ay the directory of /.chd this is the disk, inserted into Gd- rum Dreamcast. The directory of /.pty this is system directory, it is not necessary to you. Example of passage on the directories:

    cd to /.vmu

    Now you be situated in the directory to /.vmu if you you want to pass further for example into /.ay first you should write cd a1 i.e., not necessary to place slash in the beginning of the name directory, if you want to pass from directory /.vmu to directory ram first you should write cd of /.ram(esli stands in front slash, then program searches for directory in the main directory) or cd to../.ram
    Two points and slash./indicate returned to one directory back, if you for example want to return on 2 directories nazat that you should write./.. /
    This zamudka with the points, vim will prove useful in other commands, in which to van will have to indicate addresses file, being located in what that directory.

    Passage upward.
    Command exec
    Command exec achieves starting of Dreamcast of programs, they have an expansion of..bin
    This -.bin for the starting of..bin it is file in eto.ts of the command of 2 flags and the flag of -.elf for starting of elf of faylov(poka does not work). This command starts unscrambled..bin files, which you will find on any disk Dreamcast this scrambled file, i.e., samobutyashchiysya, for DS such is not necessary, it it is possible to convert by command scramble. Example of the starting of the programs:

    exec -.bin of /.ram/programma.bin

    Passage upward.
    Command scramble
    Command scramble serves for the conversion of..bin it is file from samobutyashchegosya( in the simple and vice versa, in this of the command of 2 flags this -.s designates scramble and -.d descramble. In DS voobshchem is necessary only flag -.d i.e., conversion into the simple file. Example:

    scramble -.d /.chd/yST_.READ.BIN of /.ram/proga.bin

    To be continue...))

    Passage upward.
    Your files for DreamShell, you can unload to the site with the aid of aploadera, there you can take files unloaded by other users.
    Passage upward.
    Accessible commands in DreamShell v1.3.0 Build of 71
    In some commands there can be still many flags, so that everything that is here written this only for the acquaintance with the new version.

    "help" - "Print help list" about "-" The developers "" ls
    "-" List contents of directories "" cd "-" Change directory "" pwd "-"
    Print the current directory "" clear "-" Clear the screen "" echo "-"
    Echo text to the console "" cat "-" Display text files to the console
    "" hd "-" Dump files as hex to the console "" cp "-" Copy files "" rm
    "-" Remove files "" mkdir "-" Create a directory "" rmdir "-" Delete
    a directory "" theme "-" Change the console color theme ""
    romdisk "-" Mount/Unmount a romdisk image "" exec "-" Load and exec
    another DC program "" periphs "-" Info about attached peripherals ""
    md "-" Dump memory as hex to the console "" ogg "-" OggVorbis player
    control "," mp3 "-" Mp3 player control "" cdda "-" Audio CD Player
    control "" isoreset "-" ISO Reset "" sleep "-" Sleep "" dumpvmu "-"
    Dump a vmu to a file "" load_.prog "-" Load internal programms
    "" dscript "-" Save and Load Script On VMU "" image "-" View image
    file, support formats: jpg.png.pchkh.tga "" create "-" Create
    File "" rename "-" Rename File "," gz "-" Arhiver gzip "" redactor "-"
    File Redactor "" get_.ip.bin "-" Copy ip.bin with Cd- rum or Gd- rum
    To... of \.n "" vmcp "-" Copy and convert vmu file to file/file to vmu
    file.\.n "" netcfg "-" Network config manager "" makeip "-" Make
    IP.BIN "" scramble "-" Scramble and Descramble..BIN Files ""
    screenshot "-" Shot The DreamShell Screen "" mstats "-" View Memoru
    usage "" vmuicon VMU LCD "" dsfont "-" Print message in fonts
    (fonts here: /.rd/fonts)"" cdr "-" Reading Cd- rum sectors ","
    flashrom "-" Flash chip manager "" HDD "-" Read/Write n sectors from
    the hard disk using PIO mode "" fplus "-" Addition of two files ""
    readf "-" Reading file "" writef "-" Writing file "" unzip "-"
    Decompress zip arhive "" modem "-" Modem Manager "" client "-" Run DS
    Client "" server "-" Run DS Server "" httpd "-" DS Httpd "" cmd "-"
    Command manager "" dnslookup "-" Look Up DNS With URL "" conio
    "-" Conio functions "" init_.lib "-" Library init "" ticodec "-" Ti
    codec "" syscfg "-" System Configure "" dc "-" Dreamcast functions "


    DreamShell v1.3.0 Build 71 (Nero image)

    DreamShell v1.2.3 (Bin Files)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.2.2 Release (Nero image)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.2.1 (Nero image)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.2.0 (Nero image)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.1.8 (Bin)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.1.8 (Sbi)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.1.5 Beta)(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.1.0 Beta(no on the server)
    DreamShell v1.0.0(no on the server)

    DreamShell Service For PC

    DreamShell Service V3.0

    DreamShell Service V2.5(net On the server)
    DreamShell Service V2.0(no on the server)
    DreamShell Service V1.0 (Win32)(no on the server)

    Programms for DS

    CBLoader(it is packed in gz archive) - 82 Blocks !.yuelp!
    Minimp3(it is packed in gz archive) - 120 blocks
    Dreamamp(it is packed in gz archive) - 117 blocks
    Flashreset(it is not packed) - 2 Blocks !.yuelp!
    Serpent(Screensaver)(zapakovan in gz archive) - 190 blocks
    Sapplay(it is packed in gz archive) - 165 blocks
    S3Mplay(it is packed in gz archive) - 165 blocks

    User files can be found here

    Sound/Music for DS

    Anny - Inside(.DS The mix) - 105 Blocks &.nbspof!.yuelp!
    IPowerFunk(.DS The mix) - 160 blocks
    Zhukov - Mounty Funk(.DS The mix) - 96 blocks
    WASSERMAN - W.I.P(.DS The mix) - 65 blocks
    Benny Benassi - them not twenty(.DS mix) - 96 blocks
    Aphrodite - Y(.DS of the mix) - 89 blocks
    User files can be found here


    No updates avaible

    Other files for DS

    Games Pack(34 VMU Games)(size -..dsr.gz.vm) - 200 Blocks &.nbspof!.yuelp!

    User files can be found here

    Files for VMU, rock only from browser Planetweb.
    Passage upward.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    madness... any screenshots available?

  5. #5
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    heres a screenshot thanks to ron

  6. #6
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    Yes you can buy DreamShell but if you have its opportunity download it is easier to make so
    In DreamShell support of the modem while in a test mode and only for 33.6, I can not while connect the modem with TCP/IP
    Download DreamShell, you can on DreamShell page, click to the name and loading will begin.
    For DreamShell there is still a service, it and refers to DreamShell service, I saw as some people wrote on a forum onlineconsoles, thinking that DreamShell service is the version of the program for PC, but actually it is the software package for PC, for creation of files for DreamShell (romdisk, vmu files, archives etc.).

  7. #7
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    I have answered your questions on onlineconsoles.
    It is difficult for me to explain not knowing English if I shall find employees for translation there will be english version DreamShell page. While I can write only in small and it is not clear
    DreamShell (in abbreviated form DS), can add to arhive(gzip) files (anyone, switching and vmu files) to convert any file in vmu a file and on the contrary to read the part of a file necessary to you and to write down in a separate file, it is possible to start others DC programs through DS to make by it unscramble if it is required to pack in archive and to store on VMU. There is an opportunity of use scripts (DScript) it is a text file in which commands are listed, at his performance, all commands which in it are carried out are written. It is possible to look through images some formats. Playing music in formats oggvorbis and mp3. An opportunity of use romdisk (it is a batch file, in DS it is attached as a directory while this file can be made only in DS Service for PC). By the way on VMU you can download not only music but also not the big programs, they are compressed by the archiver, then them it is possible decompress in DS and to start. In DS vmu, cd, ram look as usual directories, therefore with them is very simple to work (to copy, delete and to make others what or actions with files). Closely it is possible to work with Flash the chip dreamcast.
    Well naturally there are standard commands which are in all OS, transition on directories, view directory, copying, deleting...
    I have certainly written is far from being everything, but I think it have given though small representation about DS...

    By the way the information in DS, is written in English, you there can look use necessary to you commands.

  8. #8
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    thats from the forum btw

  9. #9
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    THx Wraggy
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dreamshell - A DC 'OS'

    Sorry for raining on everyone's parade but the site had warez in it's download section so I've removed the link.

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