Nintendo's puzzle-solving, riddle-spouting hero Professor Layton is known for his ability to perplex and bewilder, but his latest announcement may be his most brainteasing ever -- he's been invited to mix it up in Smash Bros.

Before you get too excited, though, calm yourself and re-lower your expectations. It seems that it's nothing more than a gag, and not a real confirmation of his addition to the fighting series' roster or a new Smash Bros. game in development.

This all came to light courtesy of Twitter, where Nintendo has set up a regularly updated page for the character under the name TopHatProfessor. Through several "tweets" issued throughout each day, the good Professor reflects on life, offers advice on how to be more gentlemanly and delivers riddles that he then invites his Twittering followers to answer through direct messages back to him.

It all seems to be for the purpose of drawing attention to the upcoming August release of the newest game in the DS series, Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box. But the top hat hero certainly got a bit of extra attention yesterday, when he began to imply that he'd been asked to join the Smash Bros. lineup. His first tweet on the topic was this:

I received an invitation this morning to something called the "Grand Smash Brothers Tournament". Does anyone know anything about it?