Motion control mania continues as a new patent from Sony shows the firm's experiments with a scanning system that lets players use everyday objects to control their games (quiet at the back).

According to the recently published patent, a camera (presumably the PS Eye) scans an object in by having the user rotate it to essentially show it to the PS3 from different angles. This is then mapped into the game and its movements tracked by the camera.

Illustrations show a user holding a U-shaped object, but it explains that this could otherwise be any everyday object including, but not limited to, a mug, books or bottles. Other pictures show a person using baseball bats, a golf club and other objects. Good luck to ornaments and pets if Sony launches this.

Siliconera has the pictures.

Also, we notice in the pictures that the camera appears to be wireless - new PS Eyes, anyone?

Sony at E3 showed off new motion controllers that use the PS Eye to accurately track illuminated orbs on the end of the baton-like units.