TopWare (now owned by Zuxxez) has announced a sequel to Oblivion-alike RPG Two Worlds.

Memorably dubbed Two Worlds II, the game will appear on Mac, "next-gen consoles" and PC this winter.

The sequel has been in development for two years and makes "quantum leaps" in all areas, boasts the press release. AI has been overhauled, authors ditched and a brand-new combat engine employed. Not in place of the authors, obviously.

It will be an "unforgettable experience where excitement, sheer enjoyment and graphics rule", which is presumably why the statement goes into bizarre depth about all the graphical techniques used. Boring, says I. Screenshots are much easier.

Two Worlds II is set two years after the first game, where new adventures in brand-new locations "packed full of atmosphere" await.

Developer Reality Pump is owned by Zuxxez too, and the split from previous publisher SouthPeak appears to be a big deal, enabling fan feedback to be incorporated, development time taken and a "breathtaking experience" to emerge.

The original Two Worlds, however, was "a mess", as our review points out. "Average but quite charming" on PC, but dreadfully converted to Xbox 360.