Tecmo Koei president Kenji Matsubara doubts the hardcore appeal of Sony's new motion controllers and Microsoft's Project Natal technology, saying they will be "more suited to casual games".

"We are very excited about the future with Project Natal and Sony's motion controllers. At the same time, we have some concerns over the fact that we specialise in making action games, so we have to explore whether we can achieve real-time response from a controller-free system," Matsubara told CVG.

"We understand that, for casual gamers playing dance games or some sort of fishing game, this controller-free system can be popular. But for hardcore gamers who like actions games, we have to research and develop games that satisfy our core gamers," he added.

"I expect that, from the beginning, both these types of controls will be more suited to casual games, and later go into more hardcore oriented experiences. That's how, in my understanding, most companies' strategies will apply."

Sony confirmed it will show more of its motion tech at the Develop Conference, which runs from July 14-16.
