New MTV Games general manager Scott Guthrie told IGN that his company plans to show restraint in terms of peripherals in the future, suggesting that other publishers may go overboard with single-purpose peripherals -- like skateboards, turntables, and different turntables. "It's all about the software and gameplay," Guthrie said. "If those can be enhanced in a meaningful way by peripherals, then you ought to go down that path."

"If it isn't [enhancing gameplay] or it's not an incremental value add," he said, "then you don't do it." Presumably by "value add" he means adding value to the game, not to the cost, because all of those peripherals do that.

The statements take on a kind of hilarious quality when you realize what MTV Games is best known for: Rock Band. Most gamers would agree that Rock Band's use of peripherals is justified, but we still don't really think it should be acting like it's being judicious with its controllers. Unless, of course, the cutoff point is two guitars, three microphones, a drum kit, and a smoke machine. Anything beyond that is too much