Successful Wii Fit rival EA Sports Active is seemingly in the early stages of being ported from Nintendo’s machine to both Xbox 360 and PS3 thanks to the recent unveiling of both Microsoft’s Project Natal and Sony’s Motion Controller Prototype.
“Both companies are obviously great partners and they've shared their plans with us well in advance so it was no surprise to us,” Peter Moore told IndustryGamers.
“You could fully comprehend the excitement of sports when thinking about these technologies.

“Both companies came to us, asking 'what are your ideas for this?'.

"Anything where you're moving around in sports, and particularly the fitness element of what we're doing certainly ties well into what both Sony and Microsoft are trying to do now in taking a little bit of the action that Nintendo's clearly had for themselves so far.

“I think there's already a lot of learnings we have right now with our Wii products and certainly there's stuff with EA Sports Active that we could apply to both platforms. Fitness is a huge play for us and will continue to be a huge play for us, and this just makes the opportunity bigger, to say the least.”