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Thread: Problems & Shift in DCEmu UK (feel free to discuss)

  1. #11
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    i thought you where taking about the dreamcast section, just to make it clear are you ok how the dreamcast section is? (thats what my part of the site)

    ok DaMadFiddler, i just going to reply here as you are takling about the whole network.

    as i said we just started this network stuff, like the network news ( the first 2 posts that you liked to) as for the other posts, i understand you "news" vs "interesting stuff" and i will bring that point you with wraggs.

    btw i would make that point that any news item, is a topic starter, that why we intergrate the news into the forums.

    also, now i not sure, but i think wraggs is more interested in makeing a community instead of just a news site, he/we want to incourage people to post in the forums

  2. #12


    I understand the desire to build a community, but I think that would work better if it wasn't all mixed in with the news like that. The ability to reply to the news is fine, but the "interesting stuff" posts that just start conversations should be kept out of the news. Otherwise you'll end up destroying your ability to provide useful news at all. I know I for one don't want to hunt through a bunch of that stuff looking for what's actually news; if I want to talk about something other than the news, I'll go into the forums myself. That's what they're for.

  3. #13
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    good point

    but we don't have that problem with the dreamcast section, its the only one that left out of the rss feed from the network news, i did not want it to get swamped with other news, as the dc gets less news.

    having said that have network news showing up everyso often on all site its not a bad things, just too much and you have that problem that you pointed out

  4. #14


    I always thought DCEmu UK was unorganized. It would take a heck of a lotta work to get it organized. I don't understand why it wasn't done right in the first place. This is one thing I liked about Consolevision and DCEmulation, is that their content was organized accordingly and it worked.

    DCEmu UK has a bunch of information just ripped from readmes and whatnot and it ends up looking very unprofessional and very ugly. This was the main reason I took it upon myself to get Consolevision back up on it's feet, but then ugly things happened that I don't feel like talking about. DCEmu UK has the potential but I don't think any of the administrators or webmasters really want to take the time to organize it because I think you are aiming to get the content up, rather than having it set up correctly with no confustion, etc.

    Either way, DCEmu UK will still be the place I go because really, there's no where else to go to get updated Dreamcast homebrew and emulation software.

    There's no easy way to do it, it just needs to get done. If you're commetted enough, it'll get done.

  5. #15
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    well as i said, i have plans for DCemu (dc) but i'm too busy with my major project at the mo, but next month i will be able to put it into action.

  6. #16
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Default My two cents

    I think its safe to say that the network expanded quicker then the staff could handle. I mean there was a good 5 or so months last year where the staff just could not keep up (through no fault of their own). Especially when the PSP, DS and Gp32 scenes hit the big times. While you guys were busy creating new sites and new forums their wasn't much time to get things organized and look pretty. But now that the network seems to be stabilizing things are starting to look much nicer. The forums have been cleaned up and they look and run pretty smoothly these days compared to say.. last summer.

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