Nintendo has stocked the WiiWare/DSiWare/Virtual Console cupboards for a second Hanabi Festival Friday today.

This week the games are Bomberman '94 (TurboGrafx) for 700 Nintendo Points (GBP 4.90 / EUR 7 approx), and Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II (NES) for 600 NP (GBP 4.20 / EUR 6 approx).

More interesting, however, is WiiWare newcomer Karate Phants, where elephant-like fighters go one-on-one, 'trunk-slapping', 'butt-stomping' and 'barfing' their way to victory. These antics cost 800 NP (GBP 5.60 / EUR 8 approx) to partake in, and there are some pictures on the WiiWare site to look at.

Or there is WiiWare game 5 Spots Party, an adaptation of spot-the-difference that costs 500 NP (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5 approx). There's a trailer of the thrilling action on the WiiWare site.

Onto DSiWare and we find Art Style: Boxlife, a quirky game based on designing and constructing boxes using a paper grid. The DSiWare site has a video and screenshots, and the game costs 500 NP (GBP 3.50 / EUR 5 approx).