A new coding competition that GP2X and Mobile Phonne Coders can enter, heres the full details:

Welcome to the Cutting EDGE Coding Competition! This competition is open to all developers, whether you are an individual, a group of individuals or a company who is using either an evaluation or commercial version of the EDGE library.

We decided to make a few changes in the competition. First of all, due to popular demand the deadline is extended to August 31st 2006!

Additionally, thanks to our collaboration with Pocketmotion, creators of the TiltCONTROL hardware device, we extended the competition with a new category: Best TiltCONTROL Enabled Game. As of version 2.40, EDGE fully supports the TiltCONTROL technology.

This divides the Cutting Edge Coding Competition in two categories: Best Cross Platform Game and Best TiltCONTROL Enabled Game.

As for the prizes: We believe it wouldn't be fair to offer a Gizmondo unit after the collapse of Tiger Telematics earlier this year, so we came up with a nice replacement for the Best Cross Platform Game category: an iPod Video! Furthermore, the kind folks at Pocketmotion offer a Sony PSP as the grand prize in the Best TiltCONTROL Enabled Game category!

Category "Best Cross Platform Game"
The submitted game supports at least two platforms (i.e. Windows Mobile Pocket PC, Symbian Series 60, Windows Mobile Smartphone). The judging criteria will be based on:
1. Cross Platform considerations
2. Originality
3. Game Play
4. Fun Factor
Any additional support such as graphical effects and multi-networking games will earn you extra credit!

The winner will receive a ton of cool stuff:
- An iPod Video
- A two year commercial EDGE license
- $5,000 worth of free advertising at Clickgamer.com to promote the winning game

Category "Best TiltCONTROL Enabled Game"
The submitted game makes use of Pocketmotion's TiltCONTROL hardware device. The judging criteria will be based on:
1. Originality
2. Game Play
3. Fun Factor
Any additional support such as graphical effects and multi-networking games will earn you extra credit!

The winner will receive a ton of cool stuff:
- A Sony PSP
- A one year commercial EDGE license

Competition Judges
The Cutting EDGE Coding Competition will call upon an independent panel of Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone and Symbian Smartphone experts from throughout the world to judge and select winners for the best game entries. These experts will be contributors, helpers and associates of top mobile device (PPC, Smartphone, Gadgets) gaming websites.

All submissions are created with EDGE, the evaluation or commercial version
For the category Best Cross Platform Game game submissions must support at least two platforms
For the category Best TiltCONTROL Enabled Game game submissions make use of Pocketmotion's TiltCONTROL hardware device
Both new and ported existing games are accepted
You can submit multiple games for both categories
The competition runs from December 7th 2005 until August 31st 2006
The winning submission will be announced in September 2006
During the running period of the competition we will ask you to supply screenshots of your work in progress to publish on the competition website. We will take short interviews with contestants about their experiences with EDGE and the work in progress
More info --> http://edgelib.com/index.php?node=competition