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Thread: (New Game DC) Calling for more outside help

  1. #1
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Default (New Game DC) Calling for more outside help

    Alright for sometime now me and another coder have been in talks of making a new game for DC. This isnt of course any offense to him at all cause he is a great coder but hes busy so it makes it hard to get further development.

    This game is going to be in 3D i have a graphics artist already you can check his workout at We also have the music and some sfx. Who i have part of the team right now is the great Atani himself, and Michael from IS04 team and he will probably have some help from his team aswell.

    All i am going to give for information about this game is its a First Person Shooter anymore then that i'm giving the game off so no more info. If any of you know what you can do to be apart of the team please leave a reply.

    I'm looking for lots of helpers this game may take 1 to even 2 years this is how good the game is going to be. This was agreed by me and Atani and we want to keep this in development until its completed.



  2. #2


    That's a tall order, you're looking for help from coders willing to spend one to two years on a project?, Atani should know that we have a private developers forum on this site for anything of this nature, he would get a better response from there.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Thanks but i dont and as much as hes in this project i am aswell so this is where its displayed. Yeah i said 1 to 2 years maybe shorter depending on the team sorry i should have cleaned that up a bit. Also if it was i could see complaining from them and its up to them to do that i feel like your bashing me and thats not right.

    Anyways any good feedback would be great not ones like that though.


  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCDayDreamer
    That's a tall order, you're looking for help from coders willing to spend one to two years on a project?, Atani should know that we have a private developers forum on this site for anything of this nature, he would get a better response from there.
    Very true... its hard to ask for Commitment from hobby developers, but in the case of this project it is something that is needed. If people are not able to commit to that long of a period that is fine but we want to have commitment to the project to help further it along.

    Yes we know there is a dev forum, likely this post should have been put in there instead.. But at the same time this project is not entirely DC specific. There are plans to have this on the PC and DC both.

    BTW, I dont follow many forums anymore, mostly email now.


  5. #5
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    If there is one thing i have always hated is its the scene cares more about the coders then the "TEAM". A team is what makes a game without it there would be nothing. Yeah theres ports and theres rewrites but theres always suggestions coming from the outside and i feel sorry for them cause usually the only respect they get are in the credits atleast the coders care. Not just that a team includes people who make SFX,Music,Graphics and there is a plot liner and planner.

    Me Atani and Michael right now are the team i think we need a little more respect then that. If you want me to post in the development forum give me priviledges that allow me to do so. If not please dont complain sorry for the double post i was going to edit the other but i didnt think it would be double read.

    So lets start caring about teams and not leave anyone out of it


  6. #6
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    i think why DCDayDreamer post is so negitive because many many times people have tryed to make teams, and the usally fail. but i wish you guys luck

  7. #7
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    I do believe that to Darksaviour69 but thats not part of the scenes to decision to tell us what our team should do no offense. If our team decides to not release this game or even a part of its decided upon us and the scene shouldnt have any say about except for those who have agreements or dissagreements about the game.

    I'm just asking for outside help i dont think the scene should have any part of that if this thread nees to be posted in the development section then put it there as i cant. Atani's busy so i'm the guy doing the run around he does the coding. So were the Team the scene will be the spot this game lies for download. If you guys want games dont argue i just dont see why there had to be a post about that and if your reading this now please delete all posts after the first cause this is stopping people from to react.

    There is a team and this game has been talked about for almost 1 whole year going on 2 already me and Atani wont kill it off Michael aswell is a pretty good and dependent person part of our Team.

    Anyways thanks again


  8. #8


    Huh?, what the hell are you talking about? You've made a post out of the blue asking for help from coders, I've told you there's a developers forum, if you want access to the developers forum I suggest you ask maturely and not demand respect and access to the forum. You're now saying that the scene has no say if the game is released or not, how the hell do you expect any help with this project if that's the case?.

    Atani has replied to my post with a clear and concise answer, he doesn't follow forums any more, simple as that!, if Atani and his team want access, then I'm sure access will be granted.

    I will also go as far to say that if you wanted web space for your project, then that would probably be granted too, but you're going the wrong way about it by demanding things and saying the scene has no say in what goes on, if that's your idea of teamwork - then good luck!.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Alright alight. Well the scene can help out but not bad thats not what i'm looking for. By help i mean suggestions about the game and what not. I dont anything said about the team cause thats only going to bring us down thats why i got mad. DCDayDreamer i never had gotten mad at you before and sorry i was a little tired during that argument and appoligize. But please let us do the deciding for the Team cause where the leaders for it you guys are a big help to let us post our suggestions if you want this post in the development area then please do so but delete all this annoying bull$#@!. Were men we can let this stuff go cause i already have and i have never hated you always thought you were a good buddy.


  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular
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    Its true that a lot of teams finaly give up....But if you really want to create something good you cant do it alone....
    I hope you will start working as soon as possible because Dreamcast needs more feed as the years goes by....Good luck after all!!!

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