News/release from kingromain

He called Vitest and you will inform you of the average write speed of your memory stick (if only it worked ...) In short, you will understand, as much to say on, my program does not well ... Indeed, it gives a speed a bit too low for my taste (40ko / s write with my ms sucks ...). In short it works here:

My program is creating a text file "tmp.txt" on your psp and filled with a number of character you have given him. It measures the time it took for each test you have asked him to do, find the minimum value, the maximum and then create the average of all time obtained and deletes the text file. You will understand a lot of calculations! It seems to me not making mistakes ...
The second step is the generation of a graph of the speed curve (red) and the average speed (blue). Then click select to make a screen.

Bon bah voila, it only remains for you to test yourself and see your screen speed story I can see what it is you and then fix the problem Vitest!
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